– Worldwide –
Trois mots pour te décrire :
I would describe my self as an Extraverted Introvert, A romantic, Laid back Film maker. Oh, and a student of life.
Ton parcours :
I began filming wedding’s in 2014, before this my background was making music videos & travel films, Ive pretty always been obsessed with Camera’s since around my late teens. I am based in Sydney Australia but I film destination wedding’s around the world. In my day to life when I am not filming or editing, I enjoy Art, Nature, Surfing, Swimming & Mountain Biking. I have a very relaxed approach to filming a wedding day, everything is captured organically as it unfolds & I aim to document each wedding as naturally & poetic as possible.
Tes inspirations :
I think it’s a whole bunch of stuff from my life & how I see the world. I feel inspiration often is already inside of you but sometimes you don’t know its there, and It only takes little moment, a vision, a different perspective to really bring that out. Once I am looking through the lens, Inspiration just comes in the moment & helps me create something beautiful. As a fairly recent father, my 3 year old daughter is a really big inspiration for me too & showed me a new kind of Love, watching & playing with her she is always in the moment, joyful & desirous of everything around her, and this Inspires me & reminds me of the creative, loving, inner child we all have inside of us. Ofcourse I can draw also draw outside inspirations from Classic Movies, Music, People, Art & Places I see.
Ce que tu aimes dans ton métier :
I love everything about my Job! Hehe. I couldn’t be doing anything more perfect. I mostly love people & getting to know people. I love to create films to create something special for my couples.
Ton approche :
My Approch to Filming a wedding on the day. I like to prepare a lot before a wedding day, with location’s & have some Ideas ready, so I am fully relaxed and able to be prepared for anything. I like to keep my camera gear minimal (Honestly, most guests at weddings believe I’m actually a Photographer), This helps to be unrestricted, and free to be creative on a wedding day. I have an unobtrusive style toward film making, it’s very candid & dreamy.
Ton pêché mignon :
Wedding cake lol
Ton adresse parisienne préférée :
I sure would love to Visit France to film a wedding one day
Ton conseil pour les futurs mariés :
Have fun & take it all in
Wedding - Yasmine & Joe
Wedding - Vivian & Alan
Wedding - Viktoria & Mark